


A:red glittering and white glittering with red tail B:green glittering and red peony with green tail C:red and blue peony with red tail D:red peony and golden glittering with red tail E:blue peony and golden glittering with green tail F:purple peony and golden glittering with red tail G:green peony and golden glittering with green tail H:red glittering comet I:red peony and white glittering with red tail J:blue peony and white glittering wih green tail K:yellow coconut and blue peony with red tail L:red coconut and white glittering with green tail M:brocade crown and red glittering with red tail N:brocade crown and blue peony with green tail O:whistling

Ilość w kartonie: 4
Waga brutto: g
Wymiary produktu: 190 x 425 x 180