


A: blue peony and white glittering with blue tail. B: silver willow and crackling with silver tail. C: red peony and time rain with red tail. D: green peony and crackling with green tail. E: purple peony and crackling chrysanthemum with purple tail. F: red peony and green peony and blue peony with red tail. A: red peony and green glittering with red tail. B: purple peony and white glittering with purple tail. C: silver willow and crackling with silver tail . D: golden willow and time rain with silver tail. E: blue peony and brocade crown with blue tail. F: silver willow and red glittering with red tail. G: crackling chrysanthemum with red tail. A: red wave with red tail B: silver wave with silver tail. C: red peony and golden chrysanthemum with red tail. D: blue peony and golden chrysanthemum with blue tail. E: blue peony and golden glittering with blue tail. F: purple peony and crackling with purple tail. G: blue peony and time rain with blue tail. H: red peony and green peony and blue peony with red tail. A: blue peony and golden glittering willow with blue tail. B: purple peony and white glittering willow with red tail. C: silver silk chrysanthemum willow and red glittering with silver tail. D: silver crown with silver tail.

Ilość w kartonie: 1
Waga brutto: 13855,00 g
Wymiary produktu: 225 x 460 x 225